CBBC provides training on how to create flourishing communities through both formal and informal learning opportunities - seminars, mentoring and learning communities, workshops, and gatherings. We provide tools for you and your team to work with your community on their strengths and aspirations.
We establish partnerships with universities and colleges to run courses and focus on creating capacity to offer supervisory support for Master by Research and Doctoral students.
Currently we offer:
We carry out research into particular areas of interest, pertinent to the development of communities and cities, including domestic and global concerns. CBBC acts as an actual and virtual hub, seeking to bring together practitioners, academics, leaders, and other interested people to undertake discussion and implement actions that will help in the development of flourishing communities.
Our current research project is Pathways To Home (PaTH). This research takes a strength-based approach, recognising that people experiencing homelessness have innate strengths, abilities, and perspectives that are invaluable to shaping not only the pathway out of homelessness but the journey towards a full life. Stage one included a comprehensive investigation of global best practices, uncovering a variety of solutions to the issue of homelessness. We are now entering into the second stage, where will be using art-based research to uncover story and strengths.
We have been involved in organising Multi-Faith Based Urban Thinkers’ Campuses (UTC) in different places around the world as a part of the UN’s World Urban Campaign. Each UTC involves drawing together a cohort of faith leaders, academics and practitioners to work together on solutions for some of the world’s most urgent problems.
We can also help you with your research needs, as they relate to the creation of flourishing communities.
CBBC’s in-house consultancy practice provides expert, in-depth and diverse knowledge to reach meaningful outcomes that will benefit stakeholders and help to integrate and embed the Flourishing Framework®.
With our team's diverse skill set we work over many areas of the community and can assist you with:
We are also able to provide support for team-building, change management, and external and internal relationships.